Back to Life, Back to Reality

Today’s the day I go back to work. This is excellent news for the wallet. The last two months have been extremely hard on the bank account. It was an unfortunate coincidence that my last project wrapped just as I started to write checks for the new home. Naturally, I’m delighted to return to an income generating rather than an income consuming state. The gig promises to be a good one, one that expands my nerd cred (I’ll be working on a server product and if that means anything to you, you have nerd cred too). I’ll get to learn some things, work on the fun part of a software application, meet some new people, and, woot woot, earn money. Hooray for that.

The settling in comes with a restlessness. The intensity of our focusing on the new home has led to a desire to get the hell out. Last night as we were buzzing back from M&S’s new place (fellow new homeowners) I realized that it had been much too long since I’ve wandered about with the camera. Every single trip we’ve made has been one with a goal – to pick up the heater grates at the sandblasters, to recycle the old awnings, to get an extra gallon of paint…there is no down time.

And lately, there’s the unpacking. I did not sort when I packed, I just hurled things indiscriminately into boxes. This means that every time I open a box, I have to sort everything. I now have a box full of documents to shred, a bag full of giveaway items, a pile of clothes for the Goodwill. We have to find homes for the winter clothes, for the odds and ends from the medicine cabinet. The furniture we have that fits works just fine, the furniture we have that does not fit is a puzzle and also wants sorting.

There is plenty to do and then some, but little time for leisurely Looking At Stuff. Even getting dinner feels like a To Do item. Yesterday I decided that soon, there will be a weekend away somewhere, a few days off. No packing, no chores, no contractors, no no no. We will trundle off in the Tercel to someplace cheap – friends just came back from a yurt at the beach – and wander, slowly, taking pictures. I am supremely content with the new home – the other morning I felt a sense of absolute accomplishment as I wandered in to the living room in my jammies. But now, I long to get away from it just for a night or two. I want to come back to the new house and have that feeling of return.

It’s good to go back to work, to go back to making dinner at home, to go back to a more routine life. But I’m looking forward to opportunities that the return will make possible.

1 thought on “Back to Life, Back to Reality”

  1. Um, yes. Pam.

    Remember, when two weeks into our move, when I really HATED VICTOR WTIH ALL MY BEING and his incessant whining about working all the time on the house, remember how we already had a Vancouver get-away planned. And how we went there, and when we came home, yes we had boxes still, but at least I was CIVIL ABOUT IT. And it really was the right thing to do.



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