Tiny Bubbles

We’ve been watching stuff get made, lately. We are a regular, uh, what’s that show called where you get to watch stuff get made? I can’t remember, but we’re like them. We visited an olive oil press and a coffee roaster in Oregon and today, we went to the birthplace of the KoAloha Ukulele. The …

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I Seem to Hear the Surf at Waikiki

We’re on the 9th floor of the Outrigger Reef.  There’s a dark blue line on the horizon where the water meets the sky. There are two white sailboats just below that, where the blue color lightens to gray just a little, and then it fades in to a pale green. If I walk to the …

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Abbey Road Farm

We slept in a grain silo and tried to make friends with a llama.

Innocents Abroad

Wow, you’d think, after so many years of traveling that we would know better. But no, we embarked on this trip like a couple of complete and total newbies, wet behind the ears like, well, I can think of nothing but dumb and slightly offensive cliches, so let’s just say, wow, have we dorked it …

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