A Eulogy for My Dad

My Dad died this morning, December 29th, shortly before his 75th birthday. He liked children and dogs and expensive dinners and pin striped suits and Mercedes Benz cars and being Jewish. Before his health declined, he was a big personality contained in a tall impressive package. He loved that I traveled and he would ask …

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Retrospective 2012

January: Eileen came to visit. And during that time, Seattle was gripped in an epic — and shockingly beautiful ice storm. Also, I debuted with my band, The Castaways, at my favorite local coffee house, C&P. February: I went to California to attend my uncle’s memorial. While everyone was very sad about the loss, that …

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My Year of Rock

“Keep your eye on the drummer. He’s amazing. Plus… wait til you see him. Swoon.” “The drummer, really? … I wanted to be a drummer. I have a kit, my husband bought it for me. I used to play, but… I’m too old.” “Oh. My. God. YOU ARE NOT TOO OLD.” We were sitting side …

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A Sixty Mile Nap

I fell asleep in the car on the interstate. There was a big stormy sky all around, and the trucks threw great plumes of water across the windshield but I slept anyway. I had piled the coats on top of me and turned up the heat, not quite all the way, and the rain and …

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Social Media and $110,000 for Clean Water

Apparently, you can earn a degree in social media now. This is absurd. Whenever people talk about the mystery of social media, I remember the concise (and wise) words of Internet friend (and real neighbor) Kelly Goodman of Travellious: “Get on Twitter. Say something funny. You’re done.”  Kelly was right, though you can swap out …

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