Wool Gathering

My review of wool based performance clothing is live at Snowshoe Magazine. Also the magazine site has had an extensive redesign – if you like what you see or have suggestions on how to make it better, let them know. The site is covered with ‘subscribe to our print edition’ buttons. I wrote the feature …

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Business Route

There’s no explaining some architectural design choices. And some juxtapositions just don’t work. We decided to go for Mexican.

Poetry Dork

Last night I was lying in bed listening to Selected Shorts. I listen to a lot of NPR while lying in bed – oddly, I find it soothing. Billy Collins, the former poet laureate, was reading a a piece he’d written about writing. I’ve been reading a long profile about another poet, John Ashbery, in …

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Graduation Day

What is it about the little ukulele that enchants us so? Maybe it’s because it’s so easy to learn. Maybe it’s the sweet silly sound. Maybe it’s the myth (not true) that you can’t play the blues on the uke. I credit a lot of the charm to my fellow players who, it seems, are …

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California Dreaming

If you live in the Pacific Northwest, you know that we’ve just come through more than 10 days of vile weather. Seattle has been at it’s absolute worst for the last two weeks, rainy, windy, and just above freezing. The sun seems to never come out. Yesterday, at about 3:30, I put on my big …

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Secular Snowman?

Lyrics to the original Frosty the Snowman song by Steve Rollins and Steve Nelson (1950), make no mention of any religious icons. But later, Frosty was picked up by Rankin Bass, who made all those cartoons that my generation grew up watching at holiday time. Rankin Bass added the Santa factor, and no amount of …

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