The Jackson Street Crawl Resumes

Ah, Seattle! Let’s just cut it short and figure that for the last 400 words, I’ve rambled on and on about how great it is to be back in a multicultural society! Also, let’s skip the argument about how Europe actually IS multicultural by asking, with obligatory snark, “Our Alpine small town is multicultural compared …

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Spammers, may you rot in hell.

I just survived a vicious spam attack that resulted in the site being down for three days. I guess that in the relative sense, this isn’t so long, nor is a spam attack the worst thing that can happen to a person, but I have been aggravated as hell about this. The sheer quantity of …

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Al Gore is not boring, but his movie kind of is.

There’s an episode of The Simpsons in which Martin, one of the nerdy kids, spends his last ten bucks on a talking Al Gore doll. “You are hearing me talk,” says the doll. It cracks me up every time. Plus, it’s a fairly accurate assessment of the production version of Al Gore. Stiff, not that …

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I was dreaming when I wrote this.

The day I finished my Sony project I recieved email from a previous client asking if I’d be available to work on the next release of his product. It’s fun stuff – music related – and the team is easy to work with, so of course I said yes. Almost the minute I hit send …

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