Don’t Go Changin’

I’m not very good and I shouldn’t sing, not really, but I do anyway. Hey, no one is requiring you to hit “play”. Chords? Those are here.

2010 in Writing

It wasn’t particularly horrible, not superlatively awesome, but, well, it was okay. I didn’t do much by way of getting stories published, though I did get some nice rejections. I was hired to run a blog and then, when it turned out the company hadn’t budgeted for real pay for writers, things went south, very …

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Antarctica Wish List

Just a few days ago, I picked up a sprawling picture book about Antarctica. You know the sort of thing, glossy paper, weighs a ton, gorgeous photography, very pretty maps. On breaks from my desk, I flip it open at random and read the spread about seals or tourism or ice or whatever. It’s nice …

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Gearing Up

Last week, while we were visiting, my mom asked “us kids” what we thought about the Kindle. “Yeah, like I need to carry around another piece of electronic STUFF,” was my response. The truth is, I kind of like the idea of an iPad, eReader, some third thing that is especially designed for reading, after …

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Passports with Purpose Builds a Global Village

It’s impossible to process, after all, my life is so far removed from the whole situation. There’s no way I can compare or relate — I have a spacious home, I’m totally on the grid, there’s soup on the stove, sitting to my left is a camera that’s worth either a month’s wages or the …

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