
What’s the plural of Elvis, anyway? On the Las Vegas strip I saw three, two talking to each other. Frankly, that doesn’t seem right and it kind of blows the illusion. When the one in the baby blue jump suit is three blocks away from the one in the black rhinestone jumpsuit, it looks like …

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Make Mine a Double

It is 106 degrees. It’s unbearable, but we’re all walking around pretending it’s okay. “It’s DRY heat,” we’re saying, while gallon after gallon of bottled water is washing through our pores. I didn’t expect Vegas to be a detoxing experience, and it’s not like my diet is encouraging that, but i can barely stay hydrated. …

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Modern Wonders

Granted, Hoover Dam is a miracle of engineering. But when it is 106 degrees, so is air conditioning.

Losing my religion

I am not the kind of person who believes in the classic Judeo-Christian god, a biblical old testament sort of god, a vengenful lightning from the heavens kind of god. This is good because if I was, I would leave Las Vegas convinced that god is dead.

Five things about Pirates of the Carribean

No, I couldn’t wait. Sorry. Sort of. Okay, not really. No spoilers, I promise. Octopus head Davy Jones is just not the adversary that Geoffrey Rush (Barbossa) was, even with a sea monster at his beck and call. If scurvy really did do a number on your choppers, there’s some reasonable facsimiles of shipboard dental …

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Fish Wednesday

We still have a little Copper River in the freezer and the CSA is cranking out the good produce. This week’s Fish Wednesday menu was salmon with a dijon glaze, mashed potatoes ala Austrian and oven roasted beet greens. Take note – if you happen to singe your beet greens under the broiler, your house …

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