Antarctica Gear Test v1.0

I’m wearing: A very old hat given to me by a friend shortly before I moved to Seattle. “It’s COLD up there.” Uh, it’s not Alaska. But thanks? A raincoat from the Tschibo in Austria. It’s got a lightweight zip in fleece vest. It’s soon to be retired. Outdoor Research mitts: I’ve had them forever. …

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Antarctica Wish List

Just a few days ago, I picked up a sprawling picture book about Antarctica. You know the sort of thing, glossy paper, weighs a ton, gorgeous photography, very pretty maps. On breaks from my desk, I flip it open at random and read the spread about seals or tourism or ice or whatever. It’s nice …

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Falling Up

The globe at my best pal’s place is mounted to have the north pole up top and the south at the bottom. You can flip it the other way round, but it doesn’t sit like that on its own. North, for some reason, is up, it’s up on the 1950’s map I have hanging in …

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