Carneval in Rio, This is Not

We had several other choices for Fasching (Carneval) parades. Grobming, Liezen, Wiessenbach, but we opted for Mitterndorf. It’s close, it’s quite traditional, and the village is rather pretty. We arrived a little after two and learned that the parade was starting at a gasthaus 1.5k up the road and would arrive when they arrived, not …

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Also now online, photos of our travels in Germany.

To Venice for Lunch

We would only have a few hours in town. We went to Venice anyway.

Perfect beauty

I’m just going to go ahead and say it and risk sounding like a tiresome dilettante. I have done a lot of traveling. And there are a few places I have been that have taken my breath away. I have been trying to think of them as a means of comparison: The hotel in India …

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The Train to Venice

There was no night train from to Venice. That was the first wrench in the works. There was a day train that leaves quite early, arriving in Venice around noon. The train that goes back to Austria, the second leg of our planned trip, leaving Venice at quarter to three. If we’d accepted this plan, …

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Midday Express

Driving on the German autobahn need not be too terrifying, but strange things happen. Say, for instance, you are on your way to Stuttgart. You are at the wheel and a guy in a BMW cuts you off. He rolls down the window and waves a stop sign. It’s fine, say the companions, just pull …

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