Catholic Snow

We had planned to go to one of two destinations today, either Salzburg or up to Oberoesterriech. Husband called at nine to tell me that a house in Oberoesterriech had collapsed under the weight of the snow on the roof and region was cut off. Salzburg was doable, but also in the direction of the …

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Rerun: Please Pass the Olives

This post is from my ex-website on MSN. As I’m pondering mulitlingualism, it seems relevant again. Cool sidebar: Earlier this year, the foreign exchange program of a small university contacted me to ask if they could use an excerpt from this story in the materials they use to entice students to sign up for a …

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Deutsch fur Auslanders

Two weeks ago we’d dropped by the community college to talk with the German teacher about which class I should take. I was registered for advanced, but my grammar is crap and my book learnin’ is very rusty. The teacher suggested I sit in on both A2 – mittlekurs, and B2 – advanced. A1 had …

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Snowshoe Sunday

We went snowshoeing today again. It was, as always gorgeous. And empty. Pics are here.

Mad (about) Max

Medieval Jewish costume In 1497, Maximilian I tossed the Jews out of Graz. This was the culmination of a bunch of lobbying work that pitted the Jews against the anti-Semites. The Jews were willing to pay to stay, the anti-Semites were willing to pay more to have them leave. I was lying awake steaming about …

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