California Dreaming

If you live in the Pacific Northwest, you know that we’ve just come through more than 10 days of vile weather. Seattle has been at it’s absolute worst for the last two weeks, rainy, windy, and just above freezing. The sun seems to never come out. Yesterday, at about 3:30, I put on my big …

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Secular Snowman?

Lyrics to the original Frosty the Snowman song by Steve Rollins and Steve Nelson (1950), make no mention of any religious icons. But later, Frosty was picked up by Rankin Bass, who made all those cartoons that my generation grew up watching at holiday time. Rankin Bass added the Santa factor, and no amount of …

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Minoo Iranian Bakery

Those of you who are not familiar with my obsession for baked goods, well, you don’t even know me, really, do you? No matter. When I read about Minoo in today’s paper, there was only one thing to do: Hop in the car to Lake City and get some sugar. I ate a bamieh and …

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Garden State

There’s a bit of work going on in the house lately and sometimes it pays to just clear off. Today the floors were being sanded. Down the hill, M’s got painters in, so we trundled into her car and headed south in to the fog. Destination? The Weyerhauser Bonsai Garden. Who knew? What a gorgeous …

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Gemutlich Aloha

I’ve just come from playing the ukulele at a party for Austria National Day. The party was at the German Club here in Seattle. The folks there were mostly older, in their 60s or so. They LOVED us, which is funny because I’m not sure we were any good. (Except for our yodeler, he was …

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Nerdio II

It’s Nerd + Radio. Get it? Listen to Attack of the Jelly Donut!, an audio excerpt from my book, Baked Insanity and Other Stories.