The Jackson Strret Crawl IV

With the days getting longer, soon we’ll be walking down Jackson for our Friday night feasts. This is a good thing because I know that I, for one, could use the exercise and that after the kind of extensive dining we did this Friday at Sichuan Cuisine, a little post dinner walk could make the …

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In Other News…

Now that it’s getting close, it’s time to post this to the blogosphere: I’m having a show. The opening is May 17th, 630pm at Cafe Verite in Madrona. I’m showing collages, all made from early 1900’s source materials. A little surrealism, a little comic book, kinda funny, kinda weird. I like it, you might too. …

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From the Archives: Ukulele Sunday

Here are some photos I took at Ukulele Sunday. I think they prove, yet again, that uke players are beautiful people.

Be Like That

A few days ago, I was talking to a person about doing some work for them. This person appeared to be well-off, was white, has an attractive home with a spectacular view in an expensive neighborhood. This person made their money in corporate America and then left to make a living in a more new …

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You made this with matzoh?

Passover is my favorite holiday, it’s one of the few I’ll get in a car and drive a long time for, or buy a plane ticket for, or sit on a train for six hours for. It’s not just because it’s the only Jewish holiday MGM made a movie about or because the food is …

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Chickens counted, one. Hatched, zero.

My big project got cancelled. I’ve got leads, but it’s back to the drawing board as far as work is concerned.