Seattle’s Honore Bakery

It’s official, I’m a snob. The reason for this epiphany? The baked goods at Honore. Now, granted, I didn’t try everything. Only four things: the cannele — a tiny custardy bundt shaped goody with gooey insides, the chausse de pomme — essentially an apple turnover, the koign imman — I’ll come back to this, and …

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Strawberry Cheesecake


I have been very sad lately.

First there was the seemingly unnecessary departure from Hawaii just when it was starting to get good.  I lie. It was good from the day we arrived and it wasn’t totally unnecessary to return to the mainland, after all, a person has to earn money, not just spend it. I was blue on the plane on the way home and it did not help that we returned to perfectly awful weather. That’s moderated a little, though according to our local weather guru, the June gloom is on the way. What I’m saying is that we were in Hawaii and then we weren’t, and it hasn’t yet turned to the time of year when Seattle is the most perfect place on the planet. It will, it does that every year just so you won’t leave in a snit.

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North Seattle Noshing: Grateful Bread

It used to be I thought that any place north of the Montlake Bridge was full of sea monsters, I’d not venture there without the Sea Witch at my side to protect me with spells and amulets. I’m long over my provincial hangups, plus, people act like our West Seattle home is somewhere beyond Hawaii, …

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Dear Bakery Nouveau: I Love You.

I thought it was a passing crush, nothing more than a blush of affection based in giddiness around our departure from Capitol Hill for the broader reflective light of West Seattle. But as time has passed and I’ve visited over and over, my feelings have deepened and now, there is no denying it. Bakery Nouveau, …

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