Dream a Little Dream

Last night I dreamt I was having dinner with Ronald Reagan. We were having a big row about the President’s plan to overhaul – I mean privatize – social security. Reagan was saying that we would “create responsible citizens” blah blah blah. You know the line. But I was insistent that the only thing we’d be creating was more poor senior citizens. I was going on and on about how investment services were a luxury item for most Americans, that most Americans wouldn’t be able to navigate the complicated field of trying to decide where to place their savings. I’m self employed and I can barely manage to get my ROTH IRA maxed out every year, and lord knows if I’m putting that money in to decent funds.

Plus, since the average American is overloaded with debt and wasn’t going to funnel those funds in to long term savings, they were going to either hand them over to credit card companies or use them to buy gas, leaving them with no retirement funds. We got in to it somewhat over what, exactly the role of government was in providing welfare for our citizens and we had to agree to disagree. I felt that we should take some responsibility for the well-being of our people, where as Mr. Reagan was more of the bootstrapping school of thought.

In spite of the fact that Reagan is dead, this dream wouldn’t not be so totally peculiar if I hadn’t just the night before dreamed that I was reading in the paper about how the first lady, Laura Bush, had posed nude for Playboy (or somesuch magazine). And the press was all a twitter about how the current first lady’s ass (they used that word) was so much nicer than that belonging to the previous occupant of the White House. Hilary’s expansive thighs were mentioned and those photos of the Clintons on the beach were reprinted. Also, unfortunately, that was not the first time – there was that dream I had a few months back where I was one of the Bush daughters. Yeesh. At least I wasn’t Jenna.

I have not been eating anything particularly unusual before bedtime, and no, I am not on any kind of medication. Perhaps my subconcious is running editorials on both the policies of the current administration and the quality of reporting on those issues.

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