Stormy Morning, Lincoln Park

Near Coleman Pool

Last year around this time there were huge storms that took down trees and took out power – some neighborhoods were off the grid for a week or more. The winds started yesterday afternoon and around 6pm, I had to go on a little hunt to find my garbage can, which the wind had wedged in my neighbors’ driveway between their overturned (empty) recycling bin and their own cans. I also had to round up a number of stray objects from the yar – the watering can, a bucket, the lid to the BBQ… all had gone wandering in the 47mph winds.

I have a huge sky view from my living room and this morning, when I looked out I could see the the weather was stuck on the Peninsula. I figured I’d have an hour or so before it hit my house, so I bundled up and went for a walk down to the water.

Lincoln Park smells incredible right now, like water and cedar and ocean and leaves. The trails are carpeted in orange and yellow leaves from the big leaf maples. The water is almost black and when you come around the point where Coleman pool sits, the wind blasts you backwards. It’s strong enough to create little one foot waves in the sound.

After I got back home, the weather turned and it poured, just poured, hail mixed with rain, while I ate my breakfast.

More photos of Lincoln Park, a place I seemingly can not get enough of, here.

[tags]Seattle, Lincoln Park[/tags]

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