Peak Salmon

The salmon run. It’s a verb, in this case. The salmon are hurling themselves out of Issaquah Creek. They mean to cross the weir and head further upstream to spawn. But there’s a barrier up and most of them can’t quite clear it, though they achieve a shocking amount of altitude. We stand on the …

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Seafair Powwow 2013

Photos 100% Mr. NEV. Edits mine. Can’t see the slideshow? Try this. If you’ve never been to a powwow, it’s something to see — and hear and feel and taste, too.  I’ve been to three, two on accident, this one intentional. The accidental ones — I’d been out doing something and stumbled over the event …

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A Sixty Mile Nap

I fell asleep in the car on the interstate. There was a big stormy sky all around, and the trucks threw great plumes of water across the windshield but I slept anyway. I had piled the coats on top of me and turned up the heat, not quite all the way, and the rain and …

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Pictures from the Bike

My hands hurt from the cold. To get to the flat part of the trail, I drop nearly 800 feet to the waterfront and then, turn north. That drop is fast, so the wind runs right through me, my eyes tear up and my fingertips ache inside my gloves. It doesn’t seem to matter how …

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Things I Liked Near Bend, Oregon

Thanks to the folks at Eagle Crest Resort, the husband and I were able to spend a few fall days exploring central Oregon. Here’s a list of things that I thought were totally worthwhile in the region. Links will take you to practical information about these places, I’m just giving you the “why.” The Sparrow …

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A Long Drive in Central Oregon

The drive from Seattle to central Oregon gets better when you leave the interstate behind. The road curves around the lower flanks of Mount Hood through pine forests. In late summer it’s still hot but because this year has been rainy, things are green and the air smells fresh. At each third bend or so, …

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